Friday Frock & Fizz & Fun Links

Trick or Treat! Are you dressing up? Bobbing for apples? Attending a masquerade ball? Whatever you’re up to…Happy Halloween! I’ve got this sun blossom frock on my mind, plus some fizz and a bunch of fun links to share with you. Cheers my dears.

sunblossom dress


This blog really serves up the way to make a proper whiskey cocktail.

whiskeyThe character-creations of Halloween have always been a favorite yearly hobby of mine, and as I have gotten older I’ve tuned in more so to the moon phase meaning and intuitive ways of this interesting time period.

From astrology forecasts to overall wellness of your beingget a little deeper, yeah?

What Does Your Spirit Guide Say?

If you just need a sweet treat, try out a Cinnamon Infused Hot Chocolate.

I plan to treat myself to some hot choc plus a little relaxation at this no-nonsense spa.

Perhaps you’re stepping out and about? If you’re off to London check out this rundown of hip hotels I’ve been eyeing for a late-November trip to the UK.

Or, bring adventure to your doorstep with The Jero, a base camp you can build anywhere!

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing…breathe in, breathe out, and HAVE FUN.



Ain’t that the truth. A delay in JBD posts occurred because I have been deep into beginnings. A lot of changes are happening in my life, all birthed from a beginning. The most recent days sure saw some seeds sprout into buds. I look forward to sharing the flower garden of stories with you. In the meantime, I am here to say to you: go stand in the light of your heart’s desires. Begin now. Your future self will thank you, tenfold.

Knock, Knock, Knock

Jenny Graham JBD BALI

Hi JBD’ers. Part of me felt I should make more time to further expand this blog post, but the deeper part within me, the inner voice, said just type it out. Feel it, write it, publish it. It’s what you are reading. An unedited stream of consciousness on the late evening of a total lunar eclipse.

At a significantly young age, I knew I wasn’t part of a crowd. I consistently had visions of the future, I somehow innately knew there was beautiful truth in a statement I had heard my Dad mention time and again: “When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”  While there are many examples to share, the past 12 months (and even, actually, 12 weeks) I’ve especially known this to be true. I’ve welcomed the teacher in and want to share a few lessons with you.

Forgiveness. It is connected to EVERYTHING. Almost a year ago, during a time when I was struggling to release lingering bits of sadness, anger and fear from a past relationship, I walked into my first acupuncture appointment. The wonderful acupuncturist is someone I still see on a regular basis, and a poem she shared with me after one of our first sessions popped into my memory today. This simple mantra was one I said aloud each day, for 21 days, after receiving it from her. I remember standing alone on an Icelandic glacier, reciting the poem five times on the final, 21st day, feeling the release, letting it all go:

The spirit within me forgives the spirit within you (insert name of person you want to forgive). The spirit within (insert name of person you want to forgive) forgives the spirit within me. All is well between us now. We are both forgiven.

This brings me to Synchronized Guidance. I’ve learned that when I surrender to myself, to the universe, even to the loud crowds of people on the New York City subway, things just feel lighter. I wrote about going through a health scare, recently, on this blog. The entire experience brought me back to the present moment, like wow. It inspired a desire for change, mostly subtle, but all significant. I had been traveling so much for my day job, I was not fully tuned into my well-being. The shake up brought me right back to what is important. I am grateful for it because it woke me up. It lead me back to a daily practice of yoga and meditation. Whatever it is for you, surrender and embrace. When you do, you’ll feel the synchronicity of life circle you.

Just how you choose to move about your day directly echoes your Inner Voice. Listen to that voice. I have a hunch it’s one of kindness. It’s one of compassion. It’s one that is a big believer in “letting it go.”  It believes in YOU.

Image Credit: Jenny Graham

Look Book

today JBD

What have you read lately? Between New York City subways rides and all of my jet-setting travel, I breeze through a new book every week or so. The past two weeks I have read two stellar tomes. So good they must be shared with you!

What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding by Kristin Newman made me feel like I was right there with her, as she candidly recounts her global escapades, all of which are sly, sexy, hilarious, truthful, spirited and full of adventure. Time columnist Joel Stein said of the book: “If Mark Twain was a woman and he had actually done things in the countries he traveled to, he would have been a lot more pleasant. He also would have written this book instead of The Innocents Abroad. This book is so good that, of the many I have blurbed, this is the only one I read.”

Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior by Leonard Mlodinow unravels the complexities of the subliminal mind by showing us an exploration of our evolutionary heritage. He explains, “If you really want to understand the social world, if you really want to understand yourself and others, and, beyond that, if you really want to overcome many of the obstacles that prevent you from living your fullest, richest life, you need to understand the influence of the subliminal world that is hidden within each of us.”

And, just for kicks and a peek, the image above is from an easy read…Loren Hope’s new Look Book. Enjoy.

Stand and Deliver


I am a to-do list creator. My lists aren’t to-do “the laundry” or to-do “my taxes.” I make lists of dreams every couple of weeks or so. When I take time to read back on my scribbles from years past, I chuckle to myself, sometimes in awe and sometimes baffled, my dreams came true…they actually happened! There is a magic behind saying it out loud, behind writing in down with intention. For sure. Handstands have been on my dang list for weeks. This summer, whenever I was in a pool or in the ocean, I dove right into the best handstand my whimsical heart could dream up. Total joyride, people. I’m talking addictive feeling of awesomeness. Now if only I could pop right up in my weekly yoga classes, which are not, in fact, in water. I hear that going into crow pose is a good step in the process. My ego would tell you I am a crow master. My essence knows there is no rhyme or reason except for being in the moment, focused on one’s breath. A handstand means surrendering the head below the heart, engaging the core and trusting oneself. Last night, my yoga teacher walked by me and gently whispered: Jenny, let your feet leave the wall. 

You guys, sometimes there won’t be a wall there to catch you, and that’s okay, because guess what? You are everything you need. You are your own truth. You will catch yourself. No force necessary. Be free. Go up in the air and handstand the heck out of your life.

Image via L’Optimum (yes, the sculpture in the photo is a headstand, but it still feels right for the post. xx, JBD)


Sometimes, although something looks or sounds or feels foreign, it may, actually, be the exact amount of butterflies-in-your-stomach, take-a-chance, why-not-try-it-out recipe to set you free.

JBD at Kerid

I’m fishing here a bit, with the Kerið reference and all (nod to me almost falling into a volcanic crater lake), but the point is real. Go deep. Fall in. You have nothing to lose except for the experience, for the story, for the epic goodness that is you.

Image Credit: Megan Alvino